Tag Archives: breakfast

Dukan Cereal Recipe


Have you been missing cereal in the mornings? This recipe really breaks things up a bit. This recipe was passed around the Dukan Facebook Forums, a friend Loraine shared it with me. If the credit belongs to you, please let me know 🙂 edit: the recipe came from Mama Lifestyles Blog…thanks!

Dukan Cereal Recipe

Makes 1 serve

Suitable for Cruise Phase

2 tbsp Oat Bran

1 tbsp Wheat Bran

1/2-1 tbsp Artificial Sweetener

1 tsp Cocoa

1 Egg Yolk

A few drops of Vanilla Extract

1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees. Line a small baking tray with greaseproof paper.

2. Combine all ingredients in a small bowl (one that can go in the dishwasher…save washing up!)

3. Mix really well with a fork.

4. Roll into small balls the size of a small marble. I got 15 out of my mixture.

5. Bake in the oven for 12 -15 minutes, giving them a roll around after 6 minutes.


  • Smaller size cereal would have been better, just more time consuming.
  • You could probably make these ahead and put them in an air tight container for a few days.
  • I only needed to cook mine for the 12 minutes, I have a hottish oven.
  • I found I needed quite a bit of skim milk to get through it all…very filling. Next time I might only eat half, so I don’t use up all of my Oat Bran quote in the morning.


Day 21 – Cruise (PP)


OMG! I lost .7kg today to bring me to 92.1! I thought I would get to enjoy the 92’s for a but longer but hey…I’m not complaining 😛 This diet is the best 🙂

Today at work there was a special morning tea to recognise our Crossing Lady who has worked out the front of our school for 20 years, a really great acheivement. I had to go into the staff room to get my yoghurt from the fridge, and the smell….far out, it was overwhelming, all the hot finger food, and then the tiny cupcakes and slices…it really was too much. I had to get in and out quickly because the smell was overpowering (I wasn’t tempted, but it was just too much). Once upon a time I would have sat there for half an hour and grazed away, but not anymore. I am really happy with how well I can ‘control’ myself in situations with non-dukan food. The results on the scales definitely contribute to this will power.

On another point, I’ve always heard how breakfast is the most important meal of the day, how you should never skip breakfast, and all those similar things, well now I don’t think I could ever miss breakfast again! It is one time of the day where I am actually hungry, and it fills me up until at least 11am (recess). I was running a bit late today, but still made the time to have breakfast.

Breakfast: 2 Egg Omelette with Skim Milk and 2 slices Ham

Snack: Nestle ForMe Cheesecake flavoured Yoghurt with 2 tbsp Oat Bran

Lunch: 2 slices Smoked Salmon, 2 Gherkins & 2 tbsp Cottage Cheese

Dinner: Porterhouse Steak with Dijon Mustard

Snack: Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sundae

Drinks: 2L Water & 2 glasses Coke Zero

Exercise: 30 minute Walk 🙂


SW: 99    CW: 92.1 🙂

Sweet Galette Recipe


One of the most highly recommended recipes in Dr. Dukan’s book is the Galette. I have made a sweet version to have for breakfast or lunch. The comment from my husband was “Nice. Surprisingly”. I’ll take that 🙂

Sweet Galette Recipe

Serves 1

Suitable for Attack Phase

Olive Oil spray

1 1/2 tbsp Oat Bran

1 1/2 tbsp Vanilla ForMe Yoghurt

1 Egg

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

1. Spay a non-stick fry pan with the Oil for 1 second. Gently wipe it with paper towel to remove excess oil.

2. In a small bowl place the Oat Bran, Yogurt, Egg and Cinnamon.

3. Whisk until all ingredients come together.

4. Turn heat on pan to medium. Slowly pour the galette mixture into the pan. Scrape out all of the mixture, you don’t want to waste any.

5. When the galette appears to be setting around the edges (it will go a bit opaque and darker) get ready to flip it over! You can do this 2 ways, with an egg flip, or all restaurant like by flipping your wrist. My darling husband can do this, so this is his job in the kitchen 🙂 If you are going to use the egg flip try to get it in and out all the way around to make sure there are no stuck bits. It is easier to flip if your galette has a smaller diameter. You could make 2 smaller ones to make it even easier on yourself. It will be quite brown underneath, don’t worry that is normal.

6. Serve with some extra Vanilla ForMe Yoghurt and a sprinkling on cinnamon.

